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Michelle LaMay- "Love with all your heart"

Hi! My name is Michelle LaMay. I am a mom of 3 amazing boys, a grateful daughter of Jesus Christ, and I am so happy you are here.

My journey of returning to the Catholic Church and falling deeply in love with our faith and our Lord Jesus has been filled with so many clear moments of God being present in my life.

It began for me when I started to visit our local Holy Family Catholic Chapel. With a rosary upon entering I would spend some quiet time with the Lord in his presence. I really loved the time I spent there, so I started to return more often, attend mass.... and what I didn't know then, was the Holy Spirit was calling me deeper.

I can remember so clearly leaving mass for the first time after this, looking at my sister saying "The words of the readings, the Gospel and the homily was speaking right to me, did you hear it?" My ears and eyes were opened and I could hear for the first time. One of my best friends described it best is just like the song: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I'm found....was blind, but now I see"

Before long, by no small miracle, I received a call 3 days before my son was to attend 1st grade, that his paperwork did not get submitted correctly and his class was full. It was a clear sign, the Lord was calling me to our home at Holy Family Catholic School. My oldest sons began at Holy Family and the youngest was soon after baptized.

My desire to learn more about the Sacraments, the Bible, the Saints, and our faith seemed to grow each day.

From this point on the Lord showed up, he sent me angels on earth, messages at the right time, signs that he could hear me, and I could feel him so deeply.

I encountered some difficult and dark moments but God was faithful and pulled me through each and everyday. Running regularly was a great therapy for me. Without a lot of training I decided to sign up for a half marathon in my local hometown, Rockford IL, benefitting RAMP. With an unexplainable strength from God I finished top 3 in my age bracket. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but also one of the most rewarding. This journey bore my first ever t-shirt called "Lord let them see you in Me". As I would run I could feel God as if he was beside me giving me the strength to keep going, to never give up and to "finish the race". I have not finished this race of life, but my prayer is that what I do may honor the Lord and others will see my love for Christ in me.

The best lessons I have learned have been in the most challenging times, and what I know is that God is the good, in the bad, in the hard, in the sad, in the lonely and the chaos. However in the quiet moments I hear him best. I take time each morning and first spend it with God - with the rosary, or podast or a good book , or simply a conversation.

The Lord speaks through our hearts...and that is when I realized "God's in Me", hence this mission came to life.

I felt a push to create this site as a place for others to find great resources to learn from and grow through. I have an amazing family and group of friends who so often share insightful and uplifting resources that have really helped me in my journey, and I want to be able to do the same for you.

In addition, I believe to have faith means also to live it, and I wanted this site to feature a shop where you can find inspiring products for your everyday- to feel wrapped in God's love and to share these beautiful products with others.

Our stories are all different, but we all have the power to change the following God's two greatest commandments - "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and soul" and "Love your neighbor as yourself”.

On my journey, I have discovered the beauty of the Catholic faith, and the number of talented artists and believers who are using their gifts to help us all share our love of God with those around us. I want to walk with you as a community of people who Love God and each other, and I truly believe together with this mission we can make an impact for future generations.

I am nothing alone, and everything I am is because of our wonderful God, and the amazing support team he has blessed me with. I look forward to working with so many talented and faithful servants on this mission.

My prayer is for every person on earth to be able to experience the peace that only God can give us, and the love that overflows your heart when you get to know Jesus.


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