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Don't let your life be sterile. Be useful. Blaze a trail. Shine forth with the light of your faith...and light up all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ that you carry in your heart.
Walking this faith journey has been so rewarding. Waking up and choosing to spend time with God first is an integral part of my routine. There have been so many amazing resources that have impacted my life. One of my favorite things is being able to share with close family and friends a great book, a powerful video, a beautiful homily, or an insightful podcast.
I want this place to be a platform where we can share some of our favorites and allow God to form us, grow our wisdom, and touch our hearts in a deeper way. Please send me your favorites! "For Wisdom is better than jewels, and nothing desirable can compare with it." Proverbs 8:11
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